
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

7 key Causes of the Collapse of Western Economies:The Reality of Western Economic Decline

7 key Causes of the Collapse of Western Economies:The Reality of Western Economic Decline

The global economy is experiencing a shift marked by the gradual collapse of Western economies. Rapid closure of numerous American companies indicates a troubling trend reflecting this decline. Factors contributing to this downturn include exploitative business practices, disregard for indigenous peoples, and failure to foster genuine international cooperation. Historically, Western nations have relied on resource exploitation and unfair business practice models, generating animosity and hindering equitable global development.

The rise of emerging markets and growing consciousness of Afrikan nations embracing self-determination challenge Western dominance. As African countries prioritize citizens' welfare, restore indigenous governance systems, and move towards industrialization, reliance on Western goods and services diminishes. This reduces demand for Western products, exacerbating the economic crisis. Rapid closure of American companies serves as a harbinger of this shift, signaling the collapse of Western economies as an ongoing reality, necessitating a reevaluation of policies and adaptation to the changing global landscape.
Here are 7 reasons why the west will collapse. 
1) Double Standards: Western nations often apply different standards to their own actions compared to those of other countries, leading to mistrust and weakened global cooperation. This has mpact trade relationships and economic growth.

2) Imposing Western Culture on Afrikans: the west constantly forces its culture upon Africans, Western countries have created an imbalance that disregards African values and principles. This imposition disrupts local economies and undermines the development of indigenous industries. How do you approve food (FAO) in Canada to be eaten by Afrikans?

3) Failure of Christianity to Teach Love: Western societies, predominantly influenced by Christianity, have failed to practice the love they preach. This hypocrisy has fostered conflict and undermined global stability, affecting the economy. Guns, Bibles and the US dollar have been the trinity of our misery. 

4) Exploitative Business Practices: Western nations often engage in resource exploitation and maintain unfair business practices, which harm the economies of smaller countries and create global economic instability.

5) Bullying and Colonial Legacy: Western countries' history of colonization and ongoing bullying of smaller nations create animosity and hinder equitable economic development. The failure to negotiate reparations for historical crimes further strains international relations. Just return the skulls of our ancestors for a descent burial, simple acts of humanity: Britain/royal has failed to be human, but demonstrates their reptilian characteristics. 

6) Disregard for Indigenous Peoples and Ambiguous Constitutions: The West's failure to recognize indigenous people and their leaders, combined with constitutional ambiguity favoring Western interests, weakens global solidarity, creating economic uncertainty. The Afrikan is throwing out the baby and the water. 

7) Puppet Governments and Controlled Democracy: Western countries often interfere in Afrikan r nations' governance by installing puppet regimes that serve their interests, undermining genuine democracy and leading to unstable economies.

The Watcher's Advice to African Leaders

African leaders should learn from countries like Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, and Senegal, which have prioritised self-determination, nationalization, taking back the land, indigenous governance systems and self determination. By doing the following, African nations can break free from Western dependence and build sustainable economies:

1) Nationalize Resources: Afrikan countries should control their resources, ensuring wealth is distributed among citizens and invested in local development.

2) Prioritize Citizens and Welfare: Governments should focus on meeting the needs of their people, addressing poverty, and improving social services. Stop the slogans and get to work and implement the visions you promise. 

3) Restore Indigenous Governance Systems: : African nations should embrace indigenous governance models tailored to their unique cultures and values, rather than adhering to Western-imposed democracy. This is key to preserving your culture and identity.

 African nations, move forward towards industrialization and self-reliance, change the economic landscape and shift it onto your favor. Reduce dependence on Western goods and services, forge a new path, build a prosperous and independent future. FoT

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