
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Class in progress

Class in progress


Marara, Why do you put on a ring on your head?

In Afrikan cosmology you the Angoni/Zulu/Bantu " those from the skies must know this;
Women with beads men with sacred crescent" rings in their heads: this is a divine dance of culture and wisdom unfolds in the eternal now. They inquire, "Who are the Priests of the Southern Kingdoms, the guardians of our celestial knowledge? Who are the timekeepers that stand watch over the passage of time, culture and moments?"
The Mzila Nkata, our revered priests, do the sacred head bend - Nkata - ring- upon their brows. This emblem of wisdom and spiritual ascension speaks to their role as cosmic messengers, climbing the tree of life to proclaim ancestral chronicles." Mzila" , "ukhuzila" fasting and set apart, zila-ila-ira, serve as living vessels of tradition and gateways to the realm beyond materiality.
The Ncube clan, in Nguni/Ndebele, jambase, kgabo, tswene, Nkima (Uganda) traditions, embodies the essence of Mzila (the path a line.) Nkata, carrying the hallowed ring upon their heads. Like the ancestral baboon perched high, announcing the dawn's first light, the Mzila Nkata serve as sentinels, keeping vigil over the eternal cycle of time and wisdom.
These celestial watchers, are the true "sons of Issachar," who carry the torch of "shoko" - the primordial word echoing from time immemorial. They are the architects of Southern Kingdoms, Karanga/KA-Langa the guardians of sacred ceremonies that call forth life-giving rain in Matobo/Njelele Dzimbabgwe. I AM From the great Mukanya-shoko nation I come to you as a keeper of Matopos, Mapungubwe, Madzivadonha and Dzimbagwe, our divine responsibility weaves together the fabric of our culture. I am the Watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past. FoT

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