
Monday, May 6, 2024

I think one of the greatest undoings of our ancestors was not taking big risks.

I think one of the greatest undoings of our ancestors was not taking big risks. 

History has it that as of 14th century Europe and Africa where at the same level of evolution. The inhabitants of the two continents where mainly farmers. Although one was more feudal in its approach to farming while the other was subsistence. However, around this time, European ancestors started thinking big, they became uncomfortable with routine. This spurred them to explore other continents. By extension the universe. 

To explore the universe, they needed to build big ships. The need to build big ships I believe birthed the ability to build big ships(You cannot say what you can do till you decide to do it). Their success in building big ships helped them to conquer the Atlantic and the Pacific. 

Consequently, they gained a better grasp of people inhabiting other areas of the earth. This singular act gave the Europeans a comfortable head start in technological advancement and their exploitative agenda.

You see, when our African ancestors where busy and ok with small boats to execute their normal daily fishing, European ancestors have built ships and amassed the required nautical technology incumbent to make daring sea voyages.

The thing about taking big risks is, it provides you the opportunity to stretch your intelligence. It gives you the opportunity to see new possibilities. Whenever you dream big and go out to birth this big dream you separate yourself from the status quo. 

Our ancestors where not guilty of not being intelligent. No, their greatest undoing was being comfortable with the status quo of everyday living; farming, marrying, visiting their neighbours, thinking and living around their box. 

Today, the children of European ancestors have continued with the traits of their ancestors. They have gone to the moon, created an international space stations, invented nuclear weapons that can annihilate humanity, advanced existing Western technologies as inherited from their forebears. 

Today, we the children of forebears who refuse to take big risks are still not taking any risk. We are comfortable with everyday living. We are comfortable with thinking and living inside our box like our ancestors. We have refused to dare! We have refused to be crazy!

I do not believe the Europeans are more intelligent. I do not believe Africans are less intelligent. I strongly believe that the difference between these two is that one has consciously developed the organisational ability to think and take big risks, while the other have developed the suicidal trait of accepting a simple-predictable existence. 

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