
Monday, June 3, 2024

Facts about Egypt:

Facts about Egypt:

1. The world's first known peace treaty was signed between the Egyptians and the Hittites around 1259 BCE, ending the Battle of Kadesh. The treaty is preserved on clay tablets and was a significant diplomatic achievement.

2. Several pharaohs were of foreign origin. The 25th Dynasty, known as the Nubian Dynasty, was ruled by Pharaohs from Nubia (modern-day Sudan).

3. The ancient Egyptians loved board games. One of the most popular was Senet, which dates back to around 3500 BCE and is one of the oldest known board games.

4. The first recorded labor strike in history took place during the reign of Ramses III in the 12th century BCE. Workers at the royal necropolis in Deir el-Medina protested for better wages and working conditions.

5. Ancient Egyptian physicians were highly skilled in surgery. Medical papyri, such as the Edwin Smith Papyrus, describe surgical techniques for treating wounds, fractures, and even brain injuries.

6. Hatshepsut is one of the most famous female pharaohs, but she wasn't the only one. Sobekneferu and Twosret also ruled as pharaohs, demonstrating that women could ascend to the highest levels of power.

7. Ancient Egyptians had a form of a postal system for official government use. Messages were sent on papyrus scrolls and carried by couriers throughout the empire.

8. Ancient Egyptians invented numerous things, including the 365-day calendar, ink, and the earliest known form of toothpaste, which contained ingredients like powdered ashes, ox hooves, and burnt eggshells.

9. Ancient Egyptians developed artificial pigmentation techniques, allowing them to create vivid colors for their art and hieroglyphs, which have remarkably stood the test of time.

10. Pharaohs were often buried with solar ships, which were intended to help them in their journey through the afterlife. The most famous of these is the Khufu ship, found near the Great Pyramid of Giza.

11. Compared to many other ancient cultures, Egyptian women had a significant degree of legal and economic independence. They could own property, initiate divorce, and engage in business deals.

12. While mummification is often associated with pharaohs, many ordinary Egyptians also underwent the process. Pets, particularly cats, were also mummified and buried with their owners or in their own tombs.

13. During the Graeco-Roman period, many aspects of Egyptian culture were influenced by Greek and Roman customs, including art, architecture, and even religious practices. The famous Rosetta Stone, which helped decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs, dates from this period and contains inscriptions in Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic script. Ctto

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